Special Savings Accounts

为那些真正重要的场合和伟大的梦想而存钱,  from family vacations to extra-memorable holidays. 

Special occasions deserve a special account.

Click. 看看你的孩子对着圣诞老人带来的新玩具微笑的照片. Click. 看看你的家人在热带海滩上嬉戏,远离密歇根州的寒冷. With a Special Savings account at Arbor Financial, 你在一年的时间里存钱,然后在假期额外支出的时候取出这笔钱, vacations or whatever dream you have. Think of it as putting a down payment on great memories.


  • No minimum deposit to open
  • No minimum balance required
  • Earn interest over the course of the year
  • 自定义您的帐户名称,以增加储蓄激励
  • 通过点击“添加帐户”链接轻松添加其他帐户
  • Free access to Online Banking and Mobile Banking

Need more incentive to open a Special Savings account?

直接把你的工资支票存入你的特别储蓄账户. Plus, if you open a checking account with us, you’ll enjoy free access to more than 30,000 ATMs across the nation. 而且,您将获得免费访问网络账单支付和更多. It's easy to open your checking account online or switch your account to become an Arbor Financial member. 今天在网上或在我们西南密歇根的任何地点成为会员.

Couple traveling

* 通过提前付款服务,直接存款和其他自动清算所(ACH)信贷最多可提前5天存入您的账户. 提前支付服务取决于存款何时从发送方发起并由信用社接收, 我们不能保证存款会在预期的结算日期之前寄出. 信用合作社不负责由于不可预见的情况延误投寄. The Credit Union, in its sole discretion, may determine whether certain deposit payments, deposit types, or member accounts are excluded from the service. 提前付款的条款和条件可随时更改,恕不另行通知. Not applicable to business, loan, or mortgage accounts.